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Motivation and Improved Mindset After the New Year

The “New Year” has come and gone, we are now heading into the second quarter of the year already! You look around and people are no longer talking about their resolutions as much. This year, our team here at Synapse Chiropractic are throwing out the idea of ” New Year Resolutions” and continuing throughout the remainder of the year with new and improved mindset to help continue our goals on a more long-term basis!

People often wonder how people find the motivation to completely change their mindset, routine, etc. past the first month of the year. Here are just few ways we have found that have altered the way we live our lives!

Positive Affirmations: This may seem mundane to some, but saying a positive affirmation in the morning can really make a big difference! There is something about looking at yourself in the
mirror and saying, “Today is going to be a good day!” or whatever phrase it takes for you to improve your mindset as soon as you start your day. These affirmations will be different for everyone, but saying it out loud and saying them throughout the day can make a huge difference. Some people regard this action as prayer, others call it manifestation, and some just call it plain speaking it into existence. Whatever you call it,  positive affirmations are a great way to always keep yourself in a positive mindset, especially on your “off” days.

Celebrating the Small Things: Celebrations are always exciting and shouldn’t just be contained to “big” things. The small things in life that people may think are insignificant or not worth a big
reaction are exactly what I’m talking about. Whether it be that you cleaned the house, got out of bed, or even that you learned how to cook a new meal- those things are exciting! Celebrating those small accomplishments will make life so much more exciting and you will always have something to look forward to as the year goes on. People get so caught up that they aren’t achieving enough, when in reality, everyone’s accomplishments are different. What may be an “easy” task for one person may be the only thing that someone else was able to muster up the energy to do that day. Any amount of progress, even small, is still progress and all of these things are worth celebrating each and every day!

Focus on the Present: This one can sometimes be easier said than done. We can all find ourselves getting caught up thinking about the past and what may or may not happen in the future, but the most important thing is being in the now. Getting through one day at a time and really cherishing each day is crucial to changing the mindset you carry through each day. Focusing on the present will help reduce any stress or anxiety the past or future might present to you. There is a motivation technique that goes along the lines of you can do anything for just one minute. Basically all that is saying is that even the hardest of hard things, you can do for one minute. If you are presented with a task, even if it seems impossible, attempt if for just one minute. Once you begin, the task will seem so much less daunting. This can also be applied to expressing feelings, as well. Let yourself feel the feelings for one minute. Whether that is sadness, frustration, even grief. These emotions are natural and unless you are able to develop healthy coping mechanisms, they can easily take over and dictate your entire day, and then pretty soon, your entire life. So let yourself feel all of those emotions and feelings for one minute. Allow yourself to express that in whatever way you need to, so long as you can regroup and get back to what you were doing once that minute is up. Practicing this can help keep your mind clear and on track with what you need to do that day, while still allowing yourself to be human and feel other emotions than just “happy” all the time.

Getting Adjusted Regularly: This one may seem like an obvious one coming from a blog by a chiropractic office, but it really does help with gaining a positive mindset. Getting adjusted keeps your systems functioning properly, helps keep your mind clear, and makes sure everything is in order from the inside out. Those who get adjusted regularly are going to have the ability to adapt to stress much easier and feel more in tune with themselves on a regular basis. Keeping the body happy and healthy will put you in the best mindset for the year going forward, and frankly, for life.

By: Peyton Reyes and Allison Judd

Back to School Tips for a Healthy Mind, Body, and Soul

By: Dr. Tod Williams D.C


Class is back in session! The beginning of the new school year can be a fun and exciting time for your kids, but it can also be a stressful time. The beginning of the school year can be stressful for students, like meeting new teachers, getting back into the routine, and the work load of classes. So, as we start the new school, year let’s learn some tips to help set up our kids for success!


Tip #1: Choose the Right Backpack to Avoid Back Pain!

Our kids might want to go for the backpack that shows off their personality, but unfortunately, it may not offer a ton of support. We want the straps of a backpack to be wide and cushioned, and if we can find backpack that has the third strap that connects across the chest, that’s even better. The third strap across the chest helps with weight distribution, reducing stress and relieving pressure off the shoulders.

Another important tip is to make sure your child is wearing the backpack correctly. Wearing the backpack with just one strap on the shoulder might look cool, but carrying all the weight of the back pack on one side of the body can lead to misalignments to the spine!


Tip #2: Proper Posture in Class!

When sitting at a desk for hours each day over the course of the school year, it is important for your child to be practicing proper posture. Hunching over the desk and slouching can cause neck, shoulder, and back issues. To help prevent hunching over and their head from tilting over their shoulders, it will help to get a standing desk that tilts toward them to keep their books and homework at eye level. You can also teach them a couple stretches to do at their desk, especially for when standing is not an option! Those stretches will improve their spinal health and their ability to concentrate in class!


Tip #3: Keep Your Child Adjusted!

Regular chiropractic care will boost the overall health of your child. Chiropractic adjustments will help manage your child’s stress levels. Chiropractic care will also help boost your child’s immune system so they avoid getting sick throughout the school year. Being healthy allows them to avoid less sick days and falling behind in their classes. Better physical health will ultimately lead to better mental health!

What Causes Neuropathy and How to Fix It Before Its Too Late!

Neuropathy is damage, disease, or dysfunction in one or more nerves, especially of the peripheral nervous system (arms and legs). Common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are burning or shooting pain, numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness. Neuropathy is often degenerative, and is usually caused by injury, infection, disease, drugs, toxins, or vitamin deficiency. Let’s take a look at what the 3 most common causes of neuropathy are.

Diabetes is one of the most common causes of neuropathy. It has been known that two thirds of the population with diabetes are also affected by diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic nerve pain occurs when high blood sugar levels damage the nerves. The nerves’ ability to send signals to other areas of the body are prohibited by high levels of blood sugar. The capillary walls of the blood vessels are also weaker with high blood sugar, this results in the nerves not getting adequate amount of nutrients and oxygen due to lack of blood flow.

Another common cause of neuropathy is vitamin deficiency, more specifically, vitamins such as B1, B6, B12, and vitamin E. Alcoholism is a common reason for vitamin deficient neuropathy. The reason why alcoholism can lead to vitamin deficiency is because it is assumed that they are not eating a complete or healthy diet. Alcohol also effects the body’s ability to absorb vitamin B1. People that have a vegan diet also need to be careful about their vitamin intake. Vitamin B12 is naturally only found in animal-based foods. Vegans are highly encouraged to supplement vitamin B12 into their diet to help avoid vitamin deficient neuropathy.

The third common cause is the herpes zoster virus; the virus that is responsible for chickenpox in kids. This virus lays dormant in the body after adolescence and can be reawakened many years later, due to age or stress, and presents itself as shingles. The virus attacks the nerves and can cause itchiness, rashes, and pain into the nerves.

If the symptoms of neuropathy start to present themselves, it is important to take action as soon as possible before the symptoms progress! Schedule an appointment with us to have a neuropathy exam performed. We will determine if your condition is true neuropathy and come up with a treatment plan for you so we can start to reduce the progression of your neuropathy! Help us help you!

Is Homeschooling Right for You and Your Family?

With so much going on in the world, many parents are left wondering what their options are in regards to sending their kids to school. Watch this video to learn more about homeschooling, the different options that come with it, and to find out if it might be the right fit for you and your kiddos!