Did you know…
Chiropractic has been around for over a century and has been improving and evolving over the last 100 years. Constantly adding new methods, techniques,knowledge, and technology to approach whole body health and wellness. Torque Release Technique is a specialized chiropractic technique that allows correction of spinal misalignment in a gentle, specific, and non-invasive way.
With TRT, the chiropractor can gently remove nerve interference and adjust the spine, creating a normal tone to the nervous system. When your spinal tone is too high, you can experience stress to your musculoskeletal system, dysfunction in your organs and therefore creating a decreased effectiveness to your immune response. When the tone is to low, you can end up with weakened muscles and a variety of aches, pains, and discomfort.
TRT is designed to help these neurological imbalances by regulating the brain, spinal cord and nervous system functions. We specialize in correcting these spinal misalignments by using a specialized instrument call the Integrator, with highly accurate and precise movements.